Berlin children's houses

Please note that only families can be considered whose registered address is in Berlin on the desired start date.

Daycare contact form - registration

For which daycare center would you like to register?

Entry request?

Day.Month.Year (DD.MM.YYYY)

Which child would you like to register?

Day.Month.Year (DD.MM.YYYY)

Name of at least one custodian

1st Custodian

Day.Month.Year (DD.MM.YYYY)

2nd Custodian

Day.Month.Year (DD.MM.YYYY)


1st Sibling

Day.Month.Year (DD.MM.YYYY)

2nd Sibling

Day.Month.Year (DD.MM.YYYY)

3rd Sibling

Day.Month.Year (DD.MM.YYYY)

4th Sibling

Day.Month.Year (DD.MM.YYYY)

Would you like to tell us something else?